Sunday, November 8, 2009

Season 2

[edit] Season 2

Season two is centered around the mayhem caused in Bon Temps by the mysterious Maenad who poses as a human woman named Mary Ann. Mary Anne develops a bond with Sookie's friend Tara and eventually develops complete control over the Bon Temps residents. The Maenad believes that Sam Merlotte is the vessel who will allow her to connect to her God and so she seeks to sacrifice him. While all this chaos is going on in Bon Temps, Sookie is called to Dallas, TX by Eric Northman to assist him in finding his missing maker named Godric. Her telepathic ability makes her very valuable to the vampires and she goes undercover into a church called Fellowship of the Sun. The Fellowship of the Sun is an anti-vampire church that seeks to destroy vampires and vampire sympathizers. Sookie finds Godric in the basement of the church and calls in help from Eric, Bill and other local vampires. After some negotiating the church people allow the vampires and Sookie to leave. Godric, who is over 2,000 years old, has lost any desire to continue living and even though he is freed he "meets the sun" or commits suicide as Sookie watches. During her time in Dallas, Sookie accidentally made a blood bond with Eric when he tricked her into drinking his blood. This infuriates both Bill and Sookie because now Eric can sense Sookie's emotions. Another side effect of the blood bond is that Sookie has frequent fantasies about Eric while she sleeps and this confuses her very much. Once Sookie returns to Bon Temps she sees the effect the Maenad has made on her small town. People are not themselves and her own house had been made into a ritual site for the sacrificing of Sam Merlotte. Though Sam has originally planned to flee Bom Temps in order to avoid the Maenad, he realizes it is too late and the only way to save his beloved town is to turn himself in. The Maenad is overjoyed when Sam finally comes to her for she thinks she will finally meet the God she has sought after her entire ancient life. What she doesn't know is that Sam has teamed up with Bill and they have a plan to destroy her.

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